"Happiness.....it lies in the joy of achievement, in the thrill of the creative effort"

- Vincent Van Gogh

January 22, 2009

100 things about me....

My friend Sara challenged me to try this, so here goes.......

  1. I don't know if I am interesting enough to list 100 things
  2. I would like to be more interesting
  3. I am going to work on that! :p
  4. I learned something new about my husband last night
  5. he likes cucumbers
  6. I would have never guessed that
  7. this list is about me....stay on topic!
  8. I am learning to blog and love it (thanks Cheryl!)
  9. I put my families needs ahead of my own
  10. I am trying to remember what I like to do
  11. I have forgotten.....
  12. I like to be home alone
  13. I love flannel pajamas...the old granny kind I never thought I'd wear
  14. my feet are cold a lot of the time
  15. once my feet are cold I can't get warm
  16. I take baths in the dark
  17. I love bath products...
  18. I have more bath products than I can use
  19. but I still buy more
  20. I line them up next to the tub so they look pretty
  21. I really like makeup
  22. I should wear it more often
  23. it makes me feel good when I do
  24. I get really worked up at water polo and yell when I probably shouldn't
  25. I didn't realize I was so competitive
  26. I hope I don't embarrass my kids
  27. I enjoy curling up with a blanket to read
  28. sometimes I read to escape my life
  29. I can finish a good book in a day
  30. sometimes I don't do the things I should (especially flossing)
  31. I love the feeling of a cool, crisp day with the sun on my back
  32. I love being in the sun
  33. I love the smell of rain
  34. I should be more diligent about wearing sunscreen
  35. I love the beach
  36. the sound of the waves relaxes me
  37. I love to swim,whether it is the ocean, or a pool
  38. I don't love to swim in lakes....the bottom is yukky
  39. I don't like when the water is murky, I worry about what is under me
  40. but then it scares me when I can see
  41. I worry about more than I should
  42. mostly I worry about things I can't control
  43. I try to remember what I can control
  44. a lot of the time it doesn't seem like much is in my control
  45. sometimes I worry about things that are probably irrelevant (but not to me!)
  46. I worry about my children
  47. if I am teaching them all they need to know
  48. I don't want them to get hurt
  49. I want them to be happy
  50. I am proud of the people they are becoming
  51. I am glad they aren't scared like I was when I was their age
  52. I think I have a skin cancer on my face
  53. I know I should take better care of myself
  54. I am already thinking I should edit this list
  55. Mike and I planted a rose garden
  56. I get great pleasure looking out my kitchen window at my roses
  57. I used to think only old ladies had rose gardens :)
  58. I am NOT an old lady
  59. I feed humming birds
  60. they are like drug addicts
  61. I like to garden
  62. I wish my yard looked like the gardening magazines
  63. I realize I don't have time to make my yard look like a magazine
  64. I still want it to look that way though
  65. I enjoy taking pictures
  66. I take more pictures now that I blog
  67. I wish my kids liked me taking their picture
  68. the dog doesn't seem to mind
  69. I need to lose weight
  70. I should stop talking about it and do it
  71. I want it to happen without having to work at it!
  72. why is everything so hard?
  73. I wish everything weren't so hard
  74. I wonder what it is that I am supposed to be learning
  75. I consciously don't do things I know I won't be good at
  76. I will never jump out of a plane
  77. I am basically a scaredy cat
  78. I used to ice skate
  79. I was good
  80. I wish I could still be that good
  81. I want more friends
  82. this is getting hard.....I still feel compelled to go back and edit
  83. I want to be on a deserted island with my husband for at least a week
  84. he is my very best friend
  85. I don't know where I'd be without him
  86. I would love to go houseboating with my family
  87. chocolate ice cream is my favorite
  88. mint chip is a close second
  89. I don't drink soda (well occasionally)
  90. I am not sure what I will do with myself when my kids are grown
  91. maybe that is when my garden will be featured in a magazine
  92. I would like a piano for my living room
  93. I tell myself I would play it, after I learned
  94. I want to add a room to the side of the house
  95. I sometimes get rid of things I probably shouldn't
  96. I wonder if my kids will be mad I didn't save more things for them
  97. I don't like clutter
  98. sometimes I clean because I can't think of anything else to do
  99. I should make a list of other things to do
  100. if I were a millionaire I would put frech,clean sheets on my bed EVERY night! Actually I'd have someone do it for me! :O

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