"Happiness.....it lies in the joy of achievement, in the thrill of the creative effort"

- Vincent Van Gogh

March 9, 2009

Latest sewing project.....

Flipping thru a craft magazine one afternoon at the library I came across a darling pattern for a tote bag. Just lots of little squares and rectangles sewn together - super simple. So I headed off to JoAnn's to get fabric (such a HARD thing to do!). I am trying to get out of my neutral rut so I picked this fun red, black and white theme with a few cherries on top! Makes me think of Mickey & Minnie Mouse and DISNEYLAND!

here are the squares cut and ready to sew...

finished tote........

I used the red & white dot for the tote
bottom, ends, lining and handles!

I like it so much I am going to have to make another one!

1 comment:

  1. This is one of my favorite craft projects that I have seen you do. I thought it was neat because it was quick and simple but looks really kool! I cant wait to see you next project!!! Happy sewing. Mr.B
