"Happiness.....it lies in the joy of achievement, in the thrill of the creative effort"

- Vincent Van Gogh

December 11, 2009

how sweet it is.....

Life is sweet.  Sometimes I forget this. 

The voices (yes,sometimes there are more than one) in my head tell me to do "this"and be "that".  Go, do, clean, shop, wash, fold, wipe, sweep, pick-up, drop-off.....priorities, priorities, priorities.  Where am I on that list?  Why am I on the bottom or not on the list at all?  I let the things I want or like to do go by the wayside, thinking empty laundry baskets, shiny mirrors and clean produce drawers are more important.  Occasionally, not as often as I'd like, I realize that I am important too.  That it is ok to have fun and if I am not on my to do list, then life can be pretty sad. 

This week I did something I've told myself I would do over, and over and over again.  Actually for the last six years, ever since we moved into this house I said I would.  But I didn't.  Lots of excuses were found ..... the kitchen isn't done (this was valid), we need new carpet, I should paint, the house is dirty, the dog needs a bath, everyone is too busy, we need new landscaping.  Seriously, I needed to get over my Martha perfectionism.  It is a disease.....

So this year I did it.  And you know what?  I haven't had so much fun in a very, very long time (dates with the Mr. being excluded, b/c he is a fun date).

Gingerbread House Party 2009

What a fun time, lots of laughs and lots and lots, did I say lots? of SUGAR!  super sweet!


  1. what do i think you ask? i think you rock and your home is adorable...sugar and real! I came home and pulled out some more christmas boxes after spending time at your lovely festive abode. :)

  2. I am jealous...this looks so fun! Your new blog layout looks awesome, too!
