"Happiness.....it lies in the joy of achievement, in the thrill of the creative effort"

- Vincent Van Gogh

April 5, 2010

the gallon challenge

As I am sure most of you already know my kids play sports.  Not the kind where you run around on a field and get hot, sweaty and bitten by bugs.  Smart sports.  Where minimal clothing is required and there is a pool instead of a field.  This makes it fan-tab-u-lous for the mom who sits, paces and watches for untold hours.  The suns glare off the pool gives a nice healthy sunglass tan and a permanent flip-flop tan starting in March.

Since the only high school sports I have been exposed to are swim and water polo I am assuming football and baseball players have dumb rituals as well........maybe someone can fill me in.

Anyway to get back to the title of this post - the gallon challenge - last season the girls water polo team challenged each other to drink a gallon of milk and keep it down.  I do have to say my darling daughter was a smart cookie and declined to play this particular game and instead took pictures of her friends and teammates as they downed all that milk in an unreasonable amount of time.  Bloated tummies ensued, nauseous looking faces, and of course lots and lots of vomit.  Fortunately I do not have any of those pictures to share.  My darling daughter did not drink milk for days.......I could possibly never again drink milk just thinking of this.

Then there is her brother.  He isn't as smart a cookie and he crumbled.  His swim team participated in what they call the kool-aid challenge.  This is where each kid (read dumb boy) gets their own bottle of different colored koolaid that they guzzle between swim sprints.  Of course this induces lots of - you guessed it - vomit.  But they are creative - they made art out of it.

try to stomach it here

Which finally brings me to my gallon challenge. 

For a while now I have needed to lose weight.  A lot of weight.  A daunting number of pounds that slowly accumulated over the years as in how did I get here, more then even after my babies were born kind of weight loss.

Honestly?  a 7.1 gallon weight loss was needed.  Motivation had been lacking then I reached the point of no return and finally got down to business!  I dusted off the eliptical machine, made friends with Jillian Michaels and voila!

2.1 gallons down - 5 to go!

sorry to dissapoint, but there will be no video. 

1 comment:

  1. your awesome Norma. i started last week (after utah) and i've lost 5! i just can not let myself stop this time. it's all comin off this time around. for sure! thanks for the inspiration. xoxo
