"Happiness.....it lies in the joy of achievement, in the thrill of the creative effort"

- Vincent Van Gogh

April 14, 2009

Happy Birthday Matthew!

It's hard for me to believe that Matthew is 16! It doesn't seem that long ago he was just a chunky baby crawling around. Now he is a teenager and will be getting his license in just a few weeks. Time goes by so quickly!
For his special birthday dinner, Matthew didn't want to go out. He requested his, and everyone elses' favorite dinner of carne asada with all the fixings, El Torito sweet corn cake, and his favorite chocolate peanut butter cake for dessert! While Matthew helped finish bar-b-que'ing Katie and Michael had a mini Wii challenge going in the living room.....

then dinner was ready.....and so was Matthew!

Once we managed to eat all that food, it was time for presents. Before he got started Matthew had to check to see if his beard had grown any.....

then it was time to check out the gifts....

He has a favorite web site he likes to "wish/dream shop" on, so we ordered him a couple t-shirts he has been wanting for a while.
looks like it fits!

After all that food we needed to take a walk before cake, so Katie and I got out our bikes, got Sam on the leash, Matthew on his skateboard and headed down to the duck pond to feed the ducks and geese. A lot of the ducks were gone, but the geese had nests and were sitting on their eggs. They ended up eating almost a whole loaf of bread!

mmm....our favorite cake!

make a wish Matthew!

Matthew you are a great son. You are smart, talented, kind and sweet. I love you lots and hope that your 16th birthday was great and all your wishes come true this year!


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