"Happiness.....it lies in the joy of achievement, in the thrill of the creative effort"

- Vincent Van Gogh

May 29, 2009

"swim said the momma fishy"

I was getting ready to post a swim video/collage I have yet to create and it started me thinking about years ago when I worked at the elementary school in a special ed class.

All the kids were pre-school to first grade age and had severe autism. They were unable to make eye contact, would grind their teeth, would refuse to speak, hit, bite you name it. We used to "teach" them buy offering fruit loops for tasks we would as them to do that they completed well. There was this little girl Ashley. I just loved her. I still remember her, it's hard to imagine she is a 20something young woman now. She was so cute, long curly brown hair and just a doll. During good moments she would sit in my lap and pet my face. During bad moments she made you wish you were somewhere else. She was the one that made me really want a daughter.
She loved this song:
down in the meadow in the itty bitty pool
lived three little fishies and a momma fishy too
swim said the momma fishy fast as you can
and they swam, and they swam, all over the dam.
boop, boop, didm, dadm, watm, choo!
boop, boop, didm, dadm, watm, choo!
boop, boop, didm, dadm, watm, choo!
and they swam, and they swam, all over the dam.

STOP! said the momma fishy or you will get lost
but the three little fishies didn't wanna be bossed
so the three little fishies went off on a spree
and they swam, and they swam, right into the sea!
boop, boop, didm, dadm, watm, choo!
boop, boop, didm, dadm, watm, choo!
boop, boop, didm, dadm, watm, choo!
and they swam, and they swam, right into the sea!

WHEE! yelled the fishies this is lots of fun
we'll swim in the sea 'til the day is done
so they swam, and they swam, and it was a lark
'till all of a sudden here comes a shark!

boop, boop, didm, dadm, watm, choo!
boop, boop, didm, dadm, watm, choo!
boop, boop, didm, dadm, watm, choo!
all of a sudden here comes a shark!

HELP! cried the fishies, look at the wales
quick as they could they turned on their tails
back to the pool in the meadow they swam
and they swam, and they swam, right back over the dam!

boop, boop, didm, dadm, watm, choo!
boop, boop, didm, dadm, watm, choo!
boop, boop, didm, dadm, watm, choo!
and they swam, and they swam, right back over the dam!

I used to sing this song to Katie when she was little. Maybe it had an influence on her with her love of all things related to water! All the time I have spent at the pool over the years between three kids learning to swim, high school swimming and water polo, watching Michael, Matthew and Katie, how strong and healthy they are made me think of that little girl I knew almost 20 years ago. I am so grateful to have healthy children! Funny how my brain works.

1 comment:

  1. I haven't heard that song since my kids were little. My mom sang it to me and I sang it with my kids. I suppose it's time to sing it with the grandchildren. They are a blessing in my life.
