"Happiness.....it lies in the joy of achievement, in the thrill of the creative effort"

- Vincent Van Gogh

October 23, 2009

you did what?

Fall is for apples.  Lots of apples.  Boxes full of them.

Sweet smelling crunchy apples, begging to be made into pies, little tarts, fresh apple sauce.  Tucked into a lunch, or a coat pocket for an afternoon snack.  Preferably with some chedar cheese.

Knowing myself (pretty well, i think) I knew that pies wouldn't be made unless filling was readily available.  Evenings are busy around here.
After scouring the internet and finding a tasty souding recipe the process started. 

Incase you didn't know - canning is a process.

I am all for clean glass.  Sterilized of course.
I love shiny silver things.  Piles of lids and rings.
I desire order.  Core, slice, peel, fill.

I am result oriented.  Filling, filling & more filling!

You can get the recipe here!


  1. Ummm,Ummm good!!! these were good apples. I see lot's of holiday pies in our future!

  2. Looks delish, Norma! Don't you love it when it's all done and you can stand back and admire the pretty bottles filled with your work!

  3. Kristen you know me well! All the shiny bottles are STILL lined up in a row on my counter....I was thinking they'd look pretty on top of the fridge!
