"Happiness.....it lies in the joy of achievement, in the thrill of the creative effort"

- Vincent Van Gogh

November 9, 2009

what a pill.....

In my bedroom tucked into a usless corner is a chair.  This chair has transformed said usless corner into a magical dumping zone.  I kick my shoes under it.  Sometimes even more than one pair.  Hang purses on it.  Drape sweaters over the back.  Stack folded shirts & jeans on the seat.  Throw my dirty clothes on it.  Because the hamper is maybe four feet away and sometimes that is just too far.  When I first put the chair there I had visions of being like Martha Stewart......a cute stack of books on the seat with a huge fern sitting on top......needless to say, I kill ferns - I have yet to meet one that likes me - and the books?  well, they are on the book shelf and aren't nearly so cute.  So today happened to be chair cleaning off day....mostly because I couldn't find my brown sweater, but it is too hot to wear anyway.  I did come across a couple other sweaters that looked a little worse for wear which is where I finally get around to the main point of this post.....

Do you have sweaters that pill up every.time.you.wear.them????? 

I have this long gray cardigan....I love this sweater.  It is the perfect length.  It has pockets.  Just warm enough with a t-shirt.  Perfect to snuggle into in the movies.  Easy to throw on.  It isn't a fashion statement, that's for sure.  But when has comfort ever been fashionable?  It was looking pretty shabby.  Covered with pills as a matter of fact!  So I got out what I call my sweater shaver, but noticed (for the first time) it's true identity.....

Magik Fuzz Buster!

Who knew?

So I indulged in a little sweater therapy sitting cross legged on my bed magically busting the fuzz.  Making the old and worn look new.  That is when I started to think....I need a magic fuzz buster for me.  For the stuff that sticks to me and makes me feel like my sweater looked:

worn out.

but then doesn't that mean I am well loved?


  1. You know it sister! Loved by me! I think you're awesome. and....i need me a magic fuzz buster. i got fuzz. :)

  2. Ok Norma, I need one of these! Where did you get this handy little item?

  3. thanks Wendy! love you too! although your are looking pretty fuzz free to me! {wink}

    Kristen - I have had this thing f.o.r.e.v.e.r......and seriously just noticed the name on the little fuzz collecter yesterday! I am pretty sure it was a Walmart/Target purchase....probably only a $1 or two....ps. I am loving your blog!

  4. fuzz buster? who knew there ever was such a thing? and by the way you never looked fuzzy to me. just plain beautiful!
