"Happiness.....it lies in the joy of achievement, in the thrill of the creative effort"

- Vincent Van Gogh

December 28, 2009

do you hear what I hear?

Like most years, this Christmas was a busy day.  Parents arriving, kids coming and going, Mike working (yuk), cooking, present opening....you name it.  A busy day!

Before the chaos began, Matthew had opened a couple little gifts from the neighbors while half lying down in the cozy living room chair.  Michael, Katie and I went into the kitchen to finish getting dinner ready, when Katie said "do you hear that leaf blower?"  I thought yea, I hear that.  Michael heard it too.  Then I thought again and wondered what kind of crazy do you have to be to blow your leaves on Christmas day?  Michael then throws in his 2cents......."is that Matthew snoring?"

yep......you just gotta love tired teenage boys!

1 comment:

  1. With all the leaf blowers in our family we should start a gardening business!!!!
