"Happiness.....it lies in the joy of achievement, in the thrill of the creative effort"

- Vincent Van Gogh

February 9, 2010

resolutions, resolutions.....

so I am a little behind. but I am trying to catch up, that is what is important!

I love a new start.  Beginnings are......clean, fresh, new.  Unblemished.  Full of possibilities.  I have these kinds of thoughts at the start of a new year, and throught the year, but they are usually burried under guilt.  The things I should have done that I didn't.  Things I should  be doing, but am not.  sigh.  This is why resolutions aren't really my thing.  Too much pressure for me with my perfectionist tendencies.  If I don't get it right I usually give up.  Not very productive!!

In all my blog hopping {read time wasting, laundry avoiding} lots of fantastic women have amazing ideas.  Resolutions for themselves, for their families.  I am stealing, borrowing, or possibly even taking advice from them.  This year instead of beating myself up for what I am not doing or could be doing better I am implementing this idea my WORD OF THE YEAR.

This will work for me.  This is a starting place every day.  Each day is a new beginning!  I may even make some cute craft so I see my word and remind myself to live it every day.

For 2010 I picked INTENTION.

Encarta dictionary has this to say -
intention - quality of purposefulness: the quality or state of having a purpose in mind
                 aim or objective: something that somebody plans to do

Why intention?  Because frequently I find myself wondering why I have no time (um, because I wasted it online?), trying to figure out how to get everything done in the few hours left and still sleep.  If I truly apply this then everything I choose to do should have a purpose in mind.....

what would your word be? 
right now my intention is to get off the computer and onto the eliptical!!!

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